Psychotherapy for Individuals and Couples in Santa Cruz with Connor Moss, LMFT

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Five signs you might be depressed

If you are struggling with negative moods, feeling “off”, or having low self esteem, it might be hard to tell sometimes if what you are experiencing is just a temporary low point which is nothing serious, or if you are experiencing a depressive episode in your life. In my experience many people tend to downplay their symptoms sometimes for years and hold off on admitting they have depression when internally they are really suffering. Understanding whether or not you are suffering from depression can be incredibly important in how you treat whatever mood you are in and whether or not you seek help.

In this article I will outline five major signs that you are experiencing depression. Of course everyone is different and you can’t diagnose yourself just by looking at one article, but hopefully this will help you recognize the signs and understand whether what you are experiencing is something more serious to look into getting support for.

1. Things you used to enjoy no longer bring you the pleasure they once did

Think about the activities and hobbies in your life that you used to really love. Do they still bring you the same amount of joy they used to, or have you lost interest in these activities over time? If your hobbies and interests that used to bring you a lot of joy no longer make you feel excited or happy then it could be a sign you are suffering from depression.

In depression, all activities and experiences in life can take on a dull, lifeless feel. Some people get accustomed to this feeling in their lives and think it is normal. However, if you have noticed a severe drop in the enjoyment in your life, especially from activities that used to bring you a lot of joy, then it is a sign that you could be suffering from depression.

2. You are having problems with eating, sleeping, or sex

Depression can affect your appetite, your sleep, and your sex life. When you are depressed you can either turn to eating too much to mask the feelings you are experiencing, or you might suddenly have no interest in food. Similarly, depression can cause you to either sleep too much or you might have trouble sleeping enough. With your sex life you might notice decreased libido or sudden lack of interest in sex. If you are noticing sudden or marked changes in your relationship with food, sleep, or sex, then it could be a sign you are suffering from depression.

3. You feel you are not good enough

In depression, self esteem, confidence, and optimism can take a huge hit. For many people this can lead to self blaming, feeling guilty, or not good enough. The worst part about this aspect of depression is that it can sometimes trick your brain into thinking that your depression is your fault, or if you just tried harder you would be ok. The reality of depression though is that it has little to do with your merit as a person or how “good” you are. Depression is a difficult ailment that can make all of life feel difficult, heavy, and lifeless, but there’s no reason to think that it is your fault or that it is the result of some failure of will. Falling into the self blaming trap in depression can prolong symptoms and make people reluctant to reach out for help when they really need it. If you notice yourself thinking that you aren’t good enough, or that most of your problems are your own fault, you may be experiencing depression that is making you think this way about yourself. Consider that self defeating thoughts may have little to do with the reality of your situation in life.

4. You have suicidal thoughts

PLEASE NOTE: This article is not a replacement for professional help. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, please call 1-800-273-8255 today. 

When depression gets really bad, it can manifest as suicidal thoughts or self harming activities. If you have had thoughts of suicide or self harm, even if you think “I would never actually act on these thoughts”, this is a sign that you are suffering from severe depression and should seek professional help immediately.

5. There is a history of depression in your family

Depression has a genetic and hereditary component (1). This means that if someone in your family, or many people in your family history have struggled with depression, then you could be at a higher risk of experiencing depression in your life. If you know depression runs in your family then it could be a good idea to get support for yourself if you suspect you might be starting to experience depression. It could even be a good idea to get preemptive care for yourself if you know you are at a higher risk for depression in your life even if you feel fine now. Please note that just because depression has a genetic component, you can still have depression if you have no prior family history.

These five warning signs of depression are things to look out for in your life. Although an official diagnosis will take a much more in depth look at different factors, and it’s impossible to tell for sure from online sources if you have depression, these five areas of life are important to consider when you are thinking about your own mental health.

If you are needing support, feel free to reach out. Connor Moss with Pacific Psychotherapy offers depression therapy, anxiety therapy, trauma therapy, couples therapy and drug and alcohol counseling in Santa Cruz, and online anywhere in California. Reach out today with any questions or to schedule a free and confidential phone consultation.
